Pipeline AIM Biologicals AEZS-150 AEZS-130 (Macimorelin) Macimorelin Dx

Company Information
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What is Aeterna Zentaris’ stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq Capital Markets and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AEZS.
Can I buy stock directly from Aeterna Zentaris?
No, you will need to contact a licensed stockbroker or use an online trading account.
How can I buy stock in Aeterna Zentaris?
Through a licensed stockbroker or by using an online trading account.
How do I change the address on my shareholder account?
Through your brokerage account or by contacting our transfer agent.
When was Aeterna Zentaris incorporated?
September 12, 1990
When did Aeterna Zentaris become a public company?
May 1, 2000
Where is Aeterna Zentaris located?
Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.
315 Sigma Drive
Summerville, SC 29486
Aeterna Zentaris GmbH
Weismüllerstrasse 50
60314 Frankfurt, Germany
+49 69 42602 3228
c/o Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Aeterna Zentaris, inc.
222 Bay Street, Suite 3000
Toronto, Ontario
M5K 1E7
When is Aeterna Zentaris’ fiscal year end?
December 31st
Who is Aeterna Zentaris’ transfer agent?
Computershare Trust Company of Canada
1500 University Street 7th Floor
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3S8
Tel: 800-564-6253 or 514-982-7555
Fax: 416-263-9394 or 800-453-0330
E-mail: service@computershare.com
Who are Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.'s independent auditors?
Deloitte LLP
La Tour Deloitte
1190 Avenue des Canadlens-de-Montreal Suite 500
Montreal QC H3B OM7
Tel: 514-393-7115
Who is Aeterna Zentaris Inc.'s outside legal counsel?
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP / S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l.
222 Bay Street, Suite 3000,
P.O. Box 53
Toronto, ON M5K 1E9
Whom can I contact for general information about Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.?
JTC Team
Phone: 833-475-8247
Email: aezs@jtcir.com